Thursday, September 2, 2010

First blog thingy

Hello everyone my name is Jake Glover I'm from Hamilton Montana, ya i know big move, and i am hoping to get a degree in computer science. I like hanging out with friends and overall just having a great time. Never really liked school much ether, besides all my friends, but college seems to have the best of both worlds and am looking forward to four years here in Missoula.
To be honest i never really cared for reading all that much till alot later in my life, so as a result i am a very slow reader. This seems to have a effect on what i read. I only read stuff i really like, or am forced to, and i need alot of time to read long books. Despite this i do find reading enjoyable if i have the right book, if you find the right one books can be way better then any movie you will every be able to watch.


  1. I hope you enjoy yourself here in Missoula as well.

    Be a little more careful with your words/punctuation in the future. Capitalize your i's, for example. We're not cavemen, after all.

  2. I'm right there with you as I hated reading until I finished high school too!

  3. Hey molly cavemen get good insurance with Geico lol
