Trash is piling up all around us nowadays and despite our best efforts we are having a hard time dealing with the effects of it all. Here in Montana there isn’t that big of a problem due to our large area and little population, but large populated states and cities are seeing this mess get worse and worse as the years go by. This is simple to understand why big cities are worse off than say even Missoula, the more people in a smaller space the more garbage there will be in the same area. New York City seems to be the worst, with trains and trucks, according to msnbc , running nearly fifty thousand tons of trash a day, but where is it all going?
The answer actually makes me angry, since New York has so much trash and waste there landfills and incinerators have ether shut down or can’t handle the load, the believer article even talks about being able to see the landfills from outer space. So what do they do? They ship it to rural areas to have it dumped or burned there. Now this is maddening to me because I hate big cities, Missoula is even pushing it, I have always loved Montana for its open areas and small population but it seems that we are now being looked upon as a giant garbage can for the people who can’t take out their own trash, so to speak. Rural areas don’t have the waste or pollution of the bigger cities, and that’s why people like them, don’t go and ruin something so simple and sweet by giving rural places the same problems as cities.