I have fond that despite people saying your shouldn't procrastinate, you really shouldn't write a little then come back later to write some more. Make time to do it all in one shot, if you space it out your train of thought will be different then before and people will see that in your writing.
Input the personal.
Now unless its strictly a research paper you should input some of yourself into the paper. I am all for facts and getting the clear picture across but people get more attached if they understand your writing rather then just read it.
Read books.
I don't know if this is just a coincidence but about two years ago i started reading books regularly, and i actually noticed a difference in how i wrote. I think you unconsciously start writing like the author you read the most, so ya it helps.
Practice makes perfect.
I know everyone has heard this before but its actually true. Everything in life take practice to get better at. You can have all the natural talent your want but nothing take the place of experience in my book.
Get some variety.
There are many different types of writing, and you will never be good at them if you don't try it out. This goes hand in hand with the last tip. All the types are different. You can write i good research paper you might not be able to do so good on a essay, it all depends.